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Joy is a spiritual power

When we sing to God we become happy, we fly, it is a habit that gives us wings, not chains. Praise is the game that God gave us to be with him, "we raise our hands" said David, let's jump and dance. Enjoy all that we are responsible for: being a mom, being a dad, ministry, leadership. God makes a party when we take someone to his house; as it happened with the prodigal son: they danced and feasted.

Psalm 126 says: "there is laughter in our mouth"; the psalm is activated after you worship. When you have fun, you start to imagine and creative ideas come to you. This is also how the gifts of the Holy Spirit work, you have to prepare yourself and also have fun.

It has been proven that laughter produces endorphins, that chemical substance that the organism secretes and that produces well-being. Yes, exactly as if we were injected with a little morphine, but the body itself produces it. And it is that our wonderful body produces everything we need for well-being, too bad we have not learned to use it well and then we need to incorporate other substances such as alcohol or pills to experience that well-being.

The pleasure of enjoyment makes you eat moderately. The ability to play and enjoy keeps us in weight.

If I learn to enjoy myself, if I give myself permission for pleasure, I will be able to enjoy all things.


It lasts as long as the joke lasts, it is healing, not that of the "silly clown", denier of reality, it is not irony (expressed anger). Laughter is the most basic thing you can have; you can laugh and you can have sadness internally. For example, there is a story about a man who went to the doctor because he was sad and did not know how to get out of that state. Then the doctor recommended him to go to the circus in town, because there was a clown there who made everyone laugh and that would surely do him a lot of good. To which the man replied: "Doctor, the clown in that circus is me".


It is an emotional state that is activated at any time is the "positive outlook on life", worrying less about many things. The joyful heart beautifies the face, that is why Paul said: "I command you, I insist you said; rejoice". It is a constant emotional state in one, it is a positive attitude in life, it activates the childish part (children have a permanent state of joy). You should not get hooked with complaining and critical people, you have to have a good esteem and laugh at the mockery. Smiling people earn more money; joyful people respond better, because joy is medicine for the bones.


It is a spiritual power (laughter and joy are emotions). Joy is the active faith of knowing that God is with me and will always bring miracles. Jesus said, "take courage take up your bed and walk"; "take courage that it is I." when you know it is Him joy is activated. The reason for laughter is a joke, but the reason for joy is that God is with me, and the joy of the Lord is our strength!

Joy and laughter heal you but joy is your strength. Paul was in prison and he said: "everyone has forsaken me, but the Lord was at my side", "I remember you in my prayers" he did not put on Facebook "they are criticizing me". Neither the prison, nor the circumstances, nor the people, nor the difficult situations bound him, because he was free in the joy of the Lord.

King Jehoshaphat before fighting praised with the people and the enemy destroyed himself, because joy brings God to the scene. This is the day that the Lord made to rejoice and tomorrow it will be this one, every day there is a hidden miracle that only those who rejoice in the Lord capture it!!!!

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